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DJ.Studio and Amsterdam Dance Event

ADE, the Amsterdam Dance Event, is the biggest electronic music conference and festival in ... you guessed it... Amsterdam! Did you know that the DJ.Studio HQ is located close to Amsterdam?

Amsterdam Dance Event#

The DJ.Studio team will be present during the most important music event for electronic music: Amsterdam Dance Event, also known as ADE.

This is one of the biggest events for the worldwide electronic music industry where DJs, producers, agents, and labels come together for a music conference. (And music lovers go dancing at the festival!)

Where to find us#

  • You can try out DJ.Studio for yourself in the Gear Test zone at the ADE lab from Wednesday, October 18 - Saturday, October 21 between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Embrace the power of DJ.Studio and create your perfect harmonic mix.
  • Come and see the masterclass of our CEO Siebrand Dijkstra on Wednesday, October 18 at 1:30 PM. In this masterclass, Siebrand will show you: how to create mixtapes in a smarter and faster way, how to become better at Harmonic mixing, and how to add more creativity to your mixes.
  • A new DAWn for DJs: Laidback Luke will demonstrate to you how he uses DJ.Studio to create his radio show in a 1/3 of the time. The masterclass will take place on October 18 at 5 PM. In addition to the demonstration of Laidback Luke, our CEO Siebrand Dijkstra will give a small introduction to DJ.Studio and 1001Tracklists' CEO: Evan Sacks will unveil the brand-new integration with DJ.Studio.
  • 1001Tracklist x DJ.Studio present: Top 101 producers ADE Celebration. Come and celebrate the Top 101 Producers 2023 during Amsterdam Dance Event with the 1001Tracklists community and a festival ready lineup! The event is on October 19, 6 PM-12 AM. We hope to see you there!
  • 1001Tracklists x DJ.Studio Present: The Future Of Dance 2023. We partner up with 1001Tracklists during the Future of Dance 2023 where the most inspiring female and POC over the last year will be featured. The partnership between DJ.Studio and 1001Tracklists will extend far beyond ADE. An integration between 1001Tracklists and DJ.Studio will allow you to transform a set or mix from 1001Tracklists into your own mix within DJ.Studio. See you on October 20, 6:30 PM at Andaz Amsterdam!

Where it all started#

The DJ.Studio team started working on the idea for DJ mixing software almost one year ago. Last year Siebrand Dijkstra, finally had the opportunity to start building software for his passion: Mixing electronic dance music. "I have been passionate about electronic music for more than 25 years and I have been creating DJ mixes for the last 15 years. In that period I used an old legacy application called MixMeister. Unfortunately, the application is only running in Windows and it got deprecated 10 years ago. So it was time for me to build it myself with my team.

Siebrand Dijkstra presenting DJ.Studio at Amsterdam Dance Event

Other solutions#

Live DJ mixing software#

The most common way to make a DJ mix is by recording it live using a DJ Controller and software like Serato DJ, Djay Pro, Virtual DJ or Rekordbox.

One hour of DJ mix costs you at least one hour of DJ-ing unless you make a mistake... If you happen to make an error and one transition doesn't sound good... you have to start all over again. An alternative is to learn some audio editing skills and edit your live DJ mix with Audacity, Pro Tools, or Ableton Live. But that's also time-consuming and you need the skills for that.

DAW for Music Producers#

Tools like Ableton Live, Logic Pro or FL Studio are all built for music producers. Not with DJ mixes or radio shows in mind. Reordering a tracklist is a very complicated thing. Especially when you made edits and added automation to the songs. There is a steep learning curve for these tools.

Our Solution: Redefining the DJ mix#

So that's where Siebrand and his team started to develop a new solution that helps the DJ who wants to create a perfect DJ mix in a fraction of the time. Siebrand and Andre van Kammen started the project by analyzing music and looking at the features of a perfect DJ mix. A perfect mix always sounds in-tune and has increasing BPMs to make people dance on the dance floor. Andre was able to automate the harmonic wheel theory into an algorithm that makes sure you get a radio mix tha never sounds out of tune. A list of 20 tracks can be ordered in 10 million ways. We analyze the chord and the BPMs and give you the best order for your tracks. Even in the preparation for playing a live DJ mix, you can use DJ.Studio to calculate the best order. 10 Million calculations within 1 minute: That saves you a lot of time!

When your mix, a.k.a. all of your transitions, sounds great, you are ready to upload your mix to Mixcloud. Just connect your account once, enter a name, and start uploading. Your mix will be recorded, a.k.a. transformed in one media file, which gets uploaded to Mixcloud. It even contains all the information of your tracklist. Your new mix will be available for millions of people to listen to.

Try it out for yourself?#

Do you want to try out DJ.Studio yourself? Sign up for DJ.studio and start working on your first DJ.Studio mix. The great thing about DJ.Studio is that you don't need to buy any complicated hardware and that you don't need to learn complicated music theory. DJ.Studio helps you with that so you can focus on the creative parts of DJing!

Noah Feasey-Kemp
I started DJing when I was 15. Started a record label, residency by a club in Bristol. I’ve played at all the biggest clubs in Bristol (and the small ones) and have entertained thousands of dancers! I love writing about music, DJing, and technology. I've been blogging for DJ.Studio since the start of the project, and am always happy to answer questions and help fellow DJs out!

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