Mid season sale: 63% Off

DJ.Studio 63% Off

Song Key and BPM Finder

Instantly find the key and BPM of any song with DJ.Studio. Simply import a local audio file, or paste in a link to YouTube or Spotify, and let our algorithm accurately analyze your track - helping you to find the song key and BPM in seconds.

Analyze Any Audio

DJ.Studio lets you find the key and BPM of your song from a range of sources. Analyze downloaded audio files, YouTube videos, and Spotify songs (and playlists) all from within DJ.Studio's online browser app. This helps you to instantly find song key and BPM with incredible accuracy.

Analyze Audio during Import

Multiple Analysis Algorithms

Use our in-house key finder algorithm, Mixed In Key, or look at historic user-entered chords to get a broad range of perspectives. Key is often subjective, so using several methods helps you to find the most reliable choice. This means you can easily work out what notes to play if you have a friend playing music.

Select Musical Key

Play With Pitch

Our pitch-shifting tools let you change the key of the song however you need - helping you to make the perfect mix or backing track. We also provide a range of shifting algorithms to help you balance processing power with quality.

Re-pitch any track

Precise BPM Finder

DJ.Studio is your perfect little helper for finding the BPM and tempo of a song too. Just like the key analysis, DJ.Studio can reveal a track's BPM within a few seconds. You can then use our timeline editor to create perfectly beatmatched, seamless mixes to share with your friends.

Harmonic Mixing

Our harmonic mixing tools help DJs and music lovers to create super seamless playlist with no clashing keys. Harmonic mixing is the DJ's secret tool for creating cohesive and flowing mixes. Our AI automix assistant does the harmonic mixing for you, so you can focus on expression and creativity.

Find the key of any song Now!

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